In this magical, almost sacred space, you will have time for inspiration and rest...

Born in Madrid and with a restless spirit, I began designing gardens before finishing my academic training at the Escuela Castillo de Batres in Madrid, where I completed the three training cycles in Landscaping, Territory Planning and Environmental Impact Study.

In the gardens that I design I print my two great passions, architecture and botany.

The cleanliness of lines, the concept of color, textures, aromas and sounds come together to create spaces created for enjoyment and relaxation. I consider it fundamental that the garden accompanies the architecture and, at the same time, blends with the environment in which it is found. It is very important that the work of the landscaper begins jointly with the architect so that in this way the result is harmonious and communication flows in the design.

Since its creation in 2012 to the present, I have been part of DOM3 –Businesspeople for high-quality housing– and its Boards of Directors, promoting excellence with other companies and professionals in the area. Throughout these 10 years I was President for 4 terms, where I organized 3 International Architecture Awards (DOM3 PRIZE), 2 DOM3 Strategic Forums and fundamentally, I bet on the exchange, knowledge and collaboration between professionals with the aim of creating the concept of quality in DOM3.

Landscaping is life and as such it is only maintained day by day with creativity, sharing conversations, attending Seminars and Congresses such as the one organized a few years ago in Hamburg (Germany) by the International Association of Green Roofs (IGRA), returning nature to cities such as Singapore -55th IFLA World Congress 2018- and the last Parjap Madrid 2022 with a fascinating theme such as "PARKS AND GARDENS, NATURAL HEALTH SYSTEMS"

Thinking about well-being as an objective of urban planning of cities, creating therapeutic designs in green spaces, is the imprint that I seek to capture in each project that I start currently as a landscaper.


I will continue to combine beauty, innovation and international vision... that the urban green landscape could offer the best to those who enjoy it and to their environment.